Drop in after school and join us for Teen Craft Tuesdays! Each week, we'll do a different craft on Tuesdays after school. Come in and relax, get creative, and make something to take home! All materials will be provided.This week's craft isDia de los Muertos picture frames! Come and create a picture frame or shadow box to honor a loved one who's passed or celebrateDia de los Muertos. You can choose to paint the frame or create a mini shadow box and sculpt objects to place inside. Bring a photo if you would like to glue it inside your frame!AccessibilityNeed sign language interpretation or other accessibility assistance for this event? Please call (312) 747-8184 or email access@chipublib.org to request accommodations. Requests must be made at least 14 business days before the event. #ChicagoFallFest
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